Monday, August 04, 2008

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Information for LNCS Authors
Please carefully read the instructions below, and download the relevant files from the right-hand column.

Default Author Instructions
Please read our default author instructions file.
Copyright Form
Manuscripts must be accompanied by a signed copyright form.

Submit Your Manuscript to the Volume Editor
Please submit the following to the volume editors (e.g., to your conference committee contact, not to the Springer editorial office):

(a) Completed copyright form.

(b) Source (input) files:
(i) For example, LaTeX2e files for the text and PS/EPS or PDF/JPG files for all figures.
(ii) Any further style files and fonts you have used together with your source files and that are not generally available at CTAN.
(iii) Final DVI file (for papers prepared using LaTeX/TeX).
(iv) Final PDF file (for reference).
(v) RTF files (for word-processing systems other than LaTeX/TeX).

The texts in all files must be identical.

The volume editors will check the contributions, decide in which order they shall appear
in the printed volume and will send the complete material on to Springer.
Springer Author Discount
All Springer authors and journal editors receive a discount on Springer books. Please click on the following link and fill out the form so that we can send you your SpringerToken. Using the SpringerToken you can order Springer books at your author's discount.
Proceedings and Other Multiauthor Volumes - Using LaTeX2e
We want to add hyperlinks to your manuscript in the online version, so we recommend the use of LaTeX2e for the preparation of your camera-ready manuscript, together with the corresponding Springer class file - contains:

(i) llncs.cls, Springer class file;

(ii) llncs.dem, sample input file, you can use it as a source for your own input;

(iii) llncs.doc (actually a TeX file), the documentation of the class, with detailed instructions
on how the macro package works;

(iv) llncs.dvi, DVI resulting out of llncs.doc.

Proceedings and Other Multiauthor Volumes - Using LaTeX
If you are not able to use LaTeX2e you may use our old macro package for LaTeX.

Please download
Proceedings and Other Multiauthor Volumes - Using Plain TeX
If you are not able to use LaTeX2e you may use our old macro package for Plain TeX.

Please download
Proceedings and Other Multiauthor Volumes - Sample File
We also provide the LaTeX2e source file of the "Authors' Instructions," which may serve as a further sample input. contains a separate LaTeX file for the text and EPS file for the figure.

Proceedings and Other Multiauthor Volumes - Using Microsoft Word
We do not encourage the use of Microsoft Word, particularly as the layout of the pages (the position of figures and paragraphs) can change between printouts. However, we do provide the relevant templates and sample files for PC ( and Mac (sv-lncs) environments. Please read the explanatory sv-lncs.pdf carefully.

Please download
Proceedings and Other Multiauthor Volumes - Using FrameMaker
Please follow our "Author Instructions" closely in order to make the volume look as uniform as possible.

Oscar Nierstrasz prepared a FrameMaker template ( for the ESEC 1999 conference. [Please note that this template is neither checked nor supported by Springer.]

Please download
Proceedings and Other Multiauthor Volumes - Using Other Packages
Please follow our "Author Instructions" closely in order to make the volume look as uniform as possible.

If you have prepared a template for a different text-processing system and you would like to share it with others, please send it to us. [Please note that any such templates are neither checked nor supported by Springer.]
Monographs - Using LaTeX2e
We strongly suggest using current LaTeX2e for your Monograph.

Please download the basic LaTeX package SVMono and check the readme.txt file first.

Please download
Monographs - Using old LaTeX 2.09
If you are not able to use current LaTeX2e you may use our old macro package for LaTeX 2.09. Please use CLMono01 for LaTeX 2.09, part of the CLMoMu01 package.

Please download
Monographs - Using Plain TeX
Please use CPMono01 for Plain TeX, part of CPMoMu01.

Please download
If possible, please produce your figures electronically - please download see techinen.pdf - and integrate them into your text file.

For current LaTeX2e please use either the graphics or the
graphicx package for inclusion of figures.

For old LaTeX 2.09 and plainTeX users we recommend using the style files psfig.sty (available at or epsf.tex (available at
Supplementary Material
If you have supplementary material on your server, please give the volume editors a short description and give them the relevant URL, etc. Then we can add a description of this material to the LNCS Online entry for your volume, and create a link to your server, etc.
Volume Editors
Please click on the link at the top of the right-hand column to see the instructions for LNCS volume editors.

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