Saturday, August 04, 2007

Qt 4.3: Deploying an Application on Qt/Windows

Qt 4.3: Deploying an Application on Qt/Windows

In brief

(1) Compile QT with -static option
(2) qmake -project -config release "CONFIG += static" "CONFIG += embed_manifest_exe" "CONFIG-=embed_manifest_dll"
(3) qmake
(4) nmake
(5) package executable with \VC\redist\\Microsoft.VC80.CRT directory

* Haven't find way to integrated with IDE yet, however it could used only for releasing
* OpenCV is better to work with DLLs

1 comment:

Heesang's Blog said...

In order to build static link library, just open project file and change target output from DLL to Static and build the project