Thursday, March 29, 2007
Monday, March 26, 2007
QT+CV Working together
LIBS += c:\dev\opencv\lib\cv.lib c:\dev\opencv\lib\cvaux.lib
c:\dev\opencv\lib\cvcam.lib c:\dev\opencv\lib\cxcore.lib
c:\dev\opencv\lib\highgui.lib c:\dev\opencv\lib\ml.lib
INCLUDEPATH += .;c:\dev\OpenCV\CV\include;c:\dev\OpenCV\cvaux\include;c:\dev\OpenCV\cxcore\include;c:\dev\OpenCV\ml\include;c:\dev\OpenCV\otherlibs\highgui\;c:\dev\OpenCV\otherlibs\cvcam\include
LIBPATH += c:\dev\OpenCV\lib
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Monday, March 12, 2007
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Fwd: Open CV programming template for MS Visual Studio
From: SHIN HeeSang <>
Date: 2007. 3. 6 오전 12:28
Subject: Open CV programming template for MS Visual Studio
I'm Heesang Shin, one of 159.731 student this semester. (who visited
you for extra tutoring yesterday)
I just made Open CV programming template for MS Visual Studio
Just unzip and double click .dsw file or open it will ready for programming
for VS 2005, just say "yes to all" for converting workspace file
I didn't add any library file for debugging since I don't think any of
student going to debug Open CV itself, hence didn't add any DLL file
for debugging as well.
It is small enough to run under USB storage.
Hope this would help other students who want either working at home or lab.